Tag Archives: marketing
Marketing campaign
What we can do for you: marketing campaign. We like campaigns. We like taking your dream out of your head and presenting it to the world. A campaign gift wraps what a company does (or is about to do) and … Continue reading
The Listening Device
What we can do for you: The Listening Device. This is a crucial planning session, lasting between two and six hours. If you think you need some marketing or PR but don’t know where to start, the Listening Device is … Continue reading
Galleries – drop the jargon
Art text can often leave audiences scratching their heads and wondering what the blazes they mean. The Independent ran an article (Why it’s time for galleries to drop the jargon) a couple of weeks ago about tongue-twisting but often repetitively … Continue reading
Be positive in your marketing
Negative marketing rarely works. To use a negative message you really have to know your stuff – be an expert in the rules to break them. I had a conversation today with a friend who was organising a flash mob … Continue reading
Become great at your own marketing, say experts
Brilliant marketing is the difference between business success and failure, says a Marlborough-based consultancy that aims to show companies how to be great at their own promotion. Secret Agent Marketing, which works with a range of clients across the UK, … Continue reading
Become great at your own marketing
It’s why a lot of people have signed up to our news list. And we’re happy to share tips and advice on this blog and give away free guides. But nothing beats a bit of real life learning, and the … Continue reading
Here’s my card…
Be honest, what do you do with the dozens (hundreds?) of business cards you receive in a year? Become a customer? Bin them? Put them in a box? Or do something constructive with them (by which I do not mean … Continue reading
“I don’t believe in good ideas” – Discuss and Do event
“I don’t believe in good ideas,” said Gavin Eddy, director of Forward Space and award winning business mentor, speaking at yesterday’s Discuss & Do festival event in Frome, Making it as an Entrepreneur. So what’s the big problem with good … Continue reading
Who made you the bloomin’ expert?
My name’s Pete, and I’m an expert. I’m hired to write positive news stories about businesses like yours, and when those articles appear in the press my clients look at me with a combination of admiration and stunned disbelief. To … Continue reading
Don’t call me dear
Found out today that the spam filters don’t like emails to be addressed ‘Dear’. Our most English and polite start to a letter may mean our emails end up in the junk folder. The world is all upsidedown! My postmaster … Continue reading