Marketing tips
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To write or not to write a press release, that is the question…
Yesterday, at Frome’s Discuss & Do festival event, Making it as an Entrepreneur (see other blog post too), there was a small difference of opinion between myself and Rachel Bridge as to whether you need to write a press release … Continue reading
“I don’t believe in good ideas” – Discuss and Do event
“I don’t believe in good ideas,” said Gavin Eddy, director of Forward Space and award winning business mentor, speaking at yesterday’s Discuss & Do festival event in Frome, Making it as an Entrepreneur. So what’s the big problem with good … Continue reading
Who made you the bloomin’ expert?
My name’s Pete, and I’m an expert. I’m hired to write positive news stories about businesses like yours, and when those articles appear in the press my clients look at me with a combination of admiration and stunned disbelief. To … Continue reading
How to Write a Press Release
Secret Agent Marketing is delighted to announce its first publication – How to Write a Press Release for local and regional press. The step-by-step guide has been written by Peter Davison – or Agent Pete as he’s known in these … Continue reading
Don’t call me dear
Found out today that the spam filters don’t like emails to be addressed ‘Dear’. Our most English and polite start to a letter may mean our emails end up in the junk folder. The world is all upsidedown! My postmaster … Continue reading
Gu Gu love you
I attended James Averdiek’s talk at the Swindon Business Show today. He is the founder of Gu chocolate puddings; rather expensive but utterly delicious, found in Waitrose, etc. The business value increased from £0 to £30 million in seven years. … Continue reading
Really cool beginners’ guide to LinkedIn
I came across this really cool guide to LinkedIn this morning. I love it so much I’ve already sent it to one client, who has just started her own business. Now I’d like to share it with you. It’s a … Continue reading