An Aston Martin DB6, as driven by Matt Nichols, although we believe only Secret Agents should be allowed to drive one
Regular readers of Secret Agent Marketing newsletters, blogs and social media posts may recall a post from waaaaaaay back on March 20 this year, about a client whom we helped launch a career as a professional writer.
Matt Nichols is lucky enough to have climbed behind the wheel of a TVR Tuscan, a Porsche 911T, a Jensen Interceptor and an E-Type Jag. Despite being green with envy (especially over the Aston Martin DB6, which we reckon only Secret Agents should be allowed to drive) we agreed to work with him.
We’re delighted to be able to report that Matt has now launched Classic Cars Driven, a website dedicated to anyone who loves to read about and discuss the experience of classic cars.
Not only that, but his fledgling site has attracted advertising….
He’s making money from his passion.
If you like reading about, or looking at pictures of, history’s greatest cars then you’ll love http://classiccarsdriven.com – check it out!
One of the quirkier aspects of Matt’s car reviews is that he assigns each motor a favourite dish to describe its personality. The Aston, reckons Matt, would chow down on coq au vin, Alfa Romeo GTV would enjoy a thin crust pizza from an authentic wood-fired oven, while the Morris Minor Convertible would tuck in to cod and chips.
We’re not sure what Androulla Derbyshire of Culinary Capers would think of this, but I’d like to give her new website a plug too.
Culinary Capers offers a personal cookery tuition service in your own home. Like Classic Cars Driven, we helped steer Androulla through the first few miles of her marketing journey, even encouraging her to change the name of her fledgling company and come up with an alternative before she’d spent money launching her business!
We also hooked her up with Chantal Bourgonje of C For Design – a client from way back when – who created the colourful Culinary Capers branding and a website packed with tasty morsels that make you feel quite peckish.
What makes Androulla’s business so special is the personal touch. She’ll show you how to cook a meal in your kitchen and use your ingredients and utensils to help you create the meal you want to cook, meaning you can easily recreate the dish once the chef has left the building.
Androulla’s site has some brilliant tips for the aspiring cook. You can find out how to prepare soft pastry, achieve smooth mashed potato and avoid lumps of cocoa powder in your chocolate cake.
Discover the secrets of sweet (and savoury) success at http://culinarycapers.co.uk