About us

Agent Louisa

Arts Marketing Specialist

The night Agent Louisa Davison was born, her parents left her in the eye of Westbury White Horse to see if she would survive the night, and thus prove herself of good stock. Fortunately a passing she-wolf snuggled down to share her warmth and milk until Louisa’s mother returned the following morning.

After excelling at school in sport, maths and needlework, Louisa studied particle physics at a prominent university where she was approached by MI5. Her first mission was to a former Eastern bloc nuclear power plant, where a power crazed super villain was intent on holding the Western world to ransom.

Louisa’s super spy skills – alongside a fetching red wig, the ability to speak very loudly to foreigners, and a gift for pronouncing ‘s’ as ‘z’ – saved the day. She carried the nuclear detonator and military grade fuel to safety with just one second left on the countdown to disaster clock. (Nerd alert: or this might be a plot for mid-noughties TV show ‘Alias’. Louisa and Pete are such big fans they named their daughter after the lead character, Sydney Bristow).


Strategic marketer Louisa is the girl with the vision.

Louisa is a bit of an arty farty with a wild taste in clothes (many of which she makes). She’s enjoyed working with tons of arts organisations including Swindon Festival of Literature, Poetry Swindon, Richard Jefferies Museum, Swindon Dance, GDance, Wiltshire Music Centre, Royal West of England Academy…She’s also founded a community arts organisation and chronicles festivals. She loves to read and write fiction including an apocalyptic novel set in a Cornish primate sanctuary and an Antarctica-based Gothic horror-style novelette, and – on a good day – poetry. She’s also the perennial runner up in Swindon’s Think Slam! philosophy competition.

Red wigs aside (and she does own one), Louisa is bone fide saving the world with Citizens’ Climate Lobby UK.

Agent Pete

Public Relations Specialist

Whether abseiling into a volcano, parachuting from the top of the Eiffel Tower, or taking his specially-adapted Lotus Esprit for a swim, Agent Pete has been performing feats of derring-do for Queen and Country since 1962 – almost a decade before he was actually born.

His favoured mode of transport is his Thunderball jet pack – which means he’s always firing on all cylinders.

And when he’s not whizzing through the sky in hydrogen peroxide-fuelled flight, he’s giving his clients a boost with sparkling press copy and audacious publicity stunts.

And despite having brought down some of history’s most notorious super-villains – from Auric Goldfinger to Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Agent Pete has found time to edit an award-winning local newspaper, start two publications of his own (Wiltshire business publication Business Biscuit and Marlborough News Online) and raise the profile of businesses and organisations across the UK.